all postcodes in BT94 / ENNISKILLEN

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Postcode Area

BT / Belfast

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
BT94 5AQ 0 54.318882 -7.534842
BT94 5AS 2 54.317601 -7.535824
BT94 5BD 1 54.315883 -7.53987
BT94 5BF 2 54.313772 -7.542198
BT94 5BQ 0 54.315181 -7.539555
BT94 5BU 0 54.319471 -7.533744
BT94 5DJ 0 54.319264 -7.531365
BT94 5DR 0 54.319428 -7.532054
BT94 5ER 8 54.316839 -7.536279
BT94 5EW 0 54.316501 -7.541737
BT94 5FF 0 54.319194 -7.53636
BT94 5FJ 0 54.301023 -7.530282
BT94 5GB 0 54.321167 -7.535723
BT94 5GE 0 54.320494 -7.535822
BT94 5GQ 0 54.32128 -7.530005
BT94 5GT 1 54.323129 -7.534164
BT94 5JS 0 54.256361 -7.52008
BT94 5NF 1 54.283044 -7.550814
BT94 5PP 0 54.310077 -7.53932
BT94 5PQ 0 54.309262 -7.539744